

Journal Title: Nursing Developement in Health

Volume Release: Quarterly

Organization: Lorestan University of Medical Sciences ,Aligoodarz   Nursing  Faculty

Director-in-charge: Dr Parviz Afrough

 Editor in chief: Dr Arezoo Shahsavari

Executive Manager: Dr Saeid Foroughi
Scientific Editor: Dr Saeid Foroughi, Dr Arezoo Shahsavari, Dr Elham Dadgar,Ma'soume Abdi

Persian Editor: Zahra Omidi, Somayeh Allami

English Editor: Dr Elham Dadgar, Elvira Javadi

Database Manager: Somayeh Allami

Phone: 066-43341885

Telefax: 066-43326980

Website: ndhj.lums.ac.ir

Email: ndhj_allums.ac.ir

 Journal Address : Aligoodarz- Ammar yaser street- Aligoodarz   Nursing  faculty

Main Image

nursing development in health

2024، Volume 14، Number 2

Online ISSN: 2783-4530

Director-in-Charge: Dr Parviz Afrough

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Arezou Shahsavari

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 14، Number 2
  • Print ISSN:
  • Online ISSN: 2783-4530
  • Director-in-Charge: Dr Parviz Afrough
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr Arezou Shahsavari
  • Publisher: Aligoodarz Faculty Nursing

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